[Unreal 5.4] Gauntlet Test Unable to find “MyTest” test in assemblies? Fix it with Ease!
Image by Baronicio - hkhazo.biz.id

[Unreal 5.4] Gauntlet Test Unable to find “MyTest” test in assemblies? Fix it with Ease!

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Are you frustrated with the “Gauntlet Test Unable to find ‘MyTest’ test in assemblies” error in Unreal Engine 5.4? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This article will guide you through the solutions to this annoying issue, so you can get back to creating amazing games and experiences.

What is the Gauntlet Test?

The Gauntlet Test is a built-in testing framework in Unreal Engine that allows developers to write and run automated tests for their projects. It’s an essential tool for ensuring the quality and stability of your game or application. However, sometimes it can be finicky, and that’s where this error comes in.

Understanding the Error

When you encounter the “Gauntlet Test Unable to find ‘MyTest’ test in assemblies” error, it means that the Gauntlet Test is unable to locate the test assembly or the specific test you’re trying to run. This can be due to various reasons, which we’ll explore and fix in this article.

Solution 1: Check Your Test Naming and Assembly

Before diving into more complex solutions, let’s cover the basics. Make sure your test name and assembly are correct and follow the Unreal Engine’s naming conventions.

  • Verify that your test class is named correctly, following the format `MyTestTestClass`. Ensure that the class is public and inherits from `UTestBase`.
  • Double-check that your test assembly is correctly named and referenced in your project’s `DefaultEditor.ini` file. The format should be `MyTestAssembly.dll`.

// Example Test Class
public class MyTestTestClass : UTestBase
    public void MyFirstTest()
        // Test implementation

Solution 2: Ensure Correct Assembly References

When working with assemblies, it’s essential to ensure that they are correctly referenced in your project. Follow these steps to check and fix assembly references:

  1. In the Unreal Engine Content Browser, right-click on your test assembly (`MyTestAssembly.dll`) and select “Reimport”
  2. In the Visual Studio Solution Explorer, verify that the test assembly is correctly referenced in your project. You can do this by checking the References folder.
  3. If the reference is missing, add it manually by right-clicking on the References folder and selecting “Add Reference”. Browse to the location of your test assembly and add it.
Step Image
Reimport Assembly in Content Browser
Verify Assembly Reference in Solution Explorer

Solution 3: Check for Duplicate Assemblies

Duplicate assemblies can cause conflicts and prevent the Gauntlet Test from finding your test. Here’s how to identify and fix duplicate assemblies:

  • In the Unreal Engine Content Browser, search for duplicate assemblies with the same name as your test assembly (`MyTestAssembly.dll`).
  • If you find any duplicates, rename or delete them to avoid conflicts.

// Example of a duplicate assembly
MyTestAssembly.dll ( duplicate )
MyTestAssembly Orig.dll ( original )

Solution 4: Verify Gauntlet Test Configuration

The Gauntlet Test configuration might be the culprit behind the error. Let’s check and fix the configuration:

  • In the Unreal Engine Editor, go to Edit > Project Settings > Testing > Gauntlet Test.
  • Verify that the “Test Assemblies” section includes your test assembly (`MyTestAssembly.dll`).
  • Check if the “Test Names” section includes your test class (`MyTestTestClass`).
  • If you’re using a custom test suite, ensure it’s correctly configured and referenced.

// Example of correct Gauntlet Test configuration
GauntletTest.TestAssemblies = MyTestAssembly.dll
GauntletTest.TestNames = MyTestTestClass

Solution 5: Clean and Rebuild Your Project

Sometimes, a simple clean and rebuild can resolve the issue. Follow these steps:

  1. In the Unreal Engine Editor, go to File > Refresh Visual Studio Project.
  2. In Visual Studio, right-click on your project and select “Clean”.
  3. Right-click on your project again and select “Rebuild”.

After rebuilding your project, try running the Gauntlet Test again to see if the issue is resolved.


The “Gauntlet Test Unable to find ‘MyTest’ test in assemblies” error in Unreal Engine 5.4 can be frustrating, but with these solutions, you should be able to fix the issue and get back to testing your project. Remember to double-check your test naming and assembly, ensure correct assembly references, check for duplicate assemblies, verify Gauntlet Test configuration, and clean and rebuild your project if necessary. Happy testing!

Here are 5 Q&A about “[Unreal 5.4]Gauntlet Test Unable to find “MyTest” test in assemblies”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about Unreal Engine 5.4 Gauntlet Test issues!

Q: What is the main reason for Gauntlet Test unable to find “MyTest” test in assemblies?

The most common reason is that the test is not properly registered in the assembly. Make sure that the test class is public and has the [TestClass] attribute applied. Additionally, ensure that the test method is public and has the [TestMethod] attribute applied.

Q: How do I register my test in the assembly?

To register your test, you need to add the [TestClass] attribute to the test class and [TestMethod] attribute to the test method. For example: [TestClass] public class MyTest { [TestMethod] public void MyTestMethod() { … } }

Q: What if I have multiple assemblies in my project, and the test is in one of them?

In that case, you need to specify the assembly name when running the Gauntlet Test. You can do this by adding the -Assembly parameter followed by the name of the assembly that contains the test.

Q: Can I use a wildcard to search for tests in multiple assemblies?

Yes, you can use a wildcard to search for tests in multiple assemblies. For example, you can use -Assembly *MyAssembly* to search for tests in all assemblies that contain “MyAssembly” in their name.

Q: What if I’ve checked all of the above and the test is still not found?

If you’ve checked all of the above and the test is still not found, try cleaning and rebuilding your project, then retry running the Gauntlet Test. If the issue persists, you may want to try debugging the test or seeking help from the Unreal Engine community.